Sex Stories

Expert Orgasmanaut Episode with Sex Stories 

Susan (62 poly pansexual cis w f married 30 years) shares how her quest for ruthless sexual self-expression has led to her helping first herself and now others find and thoroughly enjoy limitless pleasure.

She talks about discovering a conscious sexual community, unlocking great sex in her marriage, the extreme fun of having both a husband and a boyfriend, STI testing practices in fluid-bonded groups of play friends and developing an at-home testing kit, how exactly to position oneself in a foursome with three men, maxing out botox levels and why she loves her body more than ever before. She also shares different categories of cumming, out of this world orgasms, how to be the best orgasmic ecstatic birth partner to a pregnant girlfriend, surefire techniques for escalating arousal, and what it means to be an “Orgasmanaut.”

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